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One Shot Deal: How the Birth Control Shot Can Cause Discharge and Loss of Sex Drive

She received the birth control shot about two months ago, and has been experiencing a brown discharge since then. She also hasn’t been experiencing sexual pleasure as she used to. What can she do to solve these problems?
Case #: 1831

I've been on the birth control shot for about two months now, and I've been having brown discharge. I've read that it might be the birth control altering my liver’s detoxification process. I, too, am not enjoying sexual encounters as much as I did before. What do I do?

While birth control does affect your liver and other filtration organs, the number one way it is currently impacting you is simply through an excess of progesterone. The birth control shot contains a huge dose of progesterone, which, unlike estrogen, will keep you free of pregnancy worries, without the additional concern of cancer. Unfortunately, an overdose of progesterone is what’s giving you this brown discharge, and decreasing your sex drive. Let’s take a look at why this is happening.
Pros of Progesterone

Progesterone is one of the two hormones that prepare your body for pregnancy each month. Normally, directly before your period, progesterone levels dip sharply, telling your body that it’s not pregnant and starting the process to flush your uterus. High levels of progesterone also serve to create thick cervical mucus, which prevents some measure of sperm from entering the uterus.
Estrogen Effects

There is also relationship between progesterone and estrogen. When there are high levels of progesterone, estrogen goes down. Estrogen is what controls ovulation, but is also builds the nurturing epithelium inside the uterus. Low levels of estrogen tend to decrease ovulation, as well as making it difficult for an egg to latch on and thrive in the uterus.
Bloody Business

Your brown discharge comes from a combination of these hormones. When your progesterone levels don’t decrease, your body doesn’t know when to begin your period. Thus, it tends to release a small amount of the uterine lining at any jiggle in your progesterone levels. Because your body is no longer building a thick, strong, uterine lining, when this epithelium is discharged, it comes in the form of a dark brown sludge—the color of a scab, or old blood.
Lack of Libido

Your lack of sex drive is also related to your decrease in estrogen. Estrogen keeps your body in a sexually receptive state. When this hormone wanes, so, too, does your desire for sex. Not only that, but in many cases related to birth control, another hormone comes into play that is a serious dampener on libido—prolactin. This hormone does not normally occur, except directly after childbirth and orgasm, as it cuts genital sensation and sexual pleasure. To reboot your body, you need to flush out this hazardous hormone and restore estrogen levels.
Cleanse and Mend

I recommend an herbal treatment to counteract all the hormones running amok inside you right now. (SEE: Vaginal Detox & Restoration for Vaginal Discharge) Rehmannia, Black Cohosh, Mexican Wild Yam, and Fenugreek will all help your body to regain control of its hormonal systems. Bupleurum strengthens and empowers a struggling liver, while Dong Quai detoxifies the entire female reproductive system. I’m sure you’ll soon see positive results with this formula. No more brown!

What to do

VRD Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Abnormal Discharge

Birth control pills and prescription drugs have a detrimental impact on a women’s sexual health. Herbs in this formula can reverse the damage caused by birth control medications, OTC drugs, and prescription drugs. Herbs and essential minerals such..

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